Engaging Schools helps schools foster the habits of learning that are essential to student success. Cultivating these habits has a profound impact on students’ achievement and their ability to thrive both in and out of the classroom.
The habits of learning include:
Habits of Participation
- I work cooperatively with others and do my fair share of work.
- I’m friendly, helpful, courteous, and good humored with others.
Habits of Work
- I follow directions and ask questions when I don’t understand.
- I attempt each part of the task, assignment, or test.
Habits of Discipline
- I sustain my focus, pay attention, and persist in my effort until I get it.
- I handle mistakes, setbacks, anger, and frustration constructively.
Habits of Communication
- I share my thoughts and ideas in small and large groups.
- I use positive, nonaggressive language to express myself, ask for help, and get what I need.
Habits of Mind
- I set academic goals and reflect on and monitor my progress.
- I’m curious and ask questions to probe for deeper understanding.