Getting Advisory Right Segment 4: Tools for Supporting Effective Advisories: Social and Emotional Learning (GARSG4)


Segment 4: Social and Emotional Learning provides lessons for how advisory can be used to support students' personal growth and development with Building Skills for Collaboration and Success, and helps students understand and learn how to unleash their brain power in Understanding Effort and Learning, as well as demonstrating how to develop critical collaboration and conflict resolution skills necessary to navigate school with Managing Emotions to Support Learning and Achievement.

The DVD has reproducible PDFs with a scripted professional development guide and accompanying PowerPoint slides, videos of real advisories in action that align with the chapter, a reproducible PDF with an annotated guide of facilitation tips and strategies for advisory, sample advisory session plans, activities, handouts, and more.

  • Chapter 1 - Building Skills for Collaboration and Success provides an opportunity for participants to think about and discuss the importance of the collaborative learning skills being modeled, taught, practiced, and assessed. Advisory requires that students work together in pairs, trios, and small groups. These are critical skills foundational to productive collaborative work, skills that have been identified as essential for success in the 21st century world of work. We often assume that adolescents come to collaborative group work with these skills in place. In fact, most students have not had formal skill training in this area.
  • Chapter 2 - Understanding Effort and Learning will enable participants to engage in a critical conversation about their role in supporting a "growth mindset" in students. Understanding adolescent mindsets has an impact on our teaching, coaching, and facilitation of our advisories. How do we define mindset? What is its relationship with effort and practice? Helping participants understand brain research on student mindsets and to role of effort and practice in skill development is critical to supporting the social, emotional, and academic growth of students.
  • Chapter 3 - Managing Emotions to Support Learning and Achievement provides participants with an opportunity to begin to explore the topic of supporting skill development in students to effectively manage their emotions and conflict. Very few students have had conflict management skills modeled or taught, and even fewer have had an opportunity to practice them. Not managing conflict significantly interferes with learning and social development, and this session is a good first step to learning conflict resolution.

Secondary Schools /  1 DVD / ESR / ISBN 9780942349344   

Click here for information about Engaging Schools' professional services for designing and implementing effective middle and high school advisory programs.

A video excerpt from this segment can be seen here.

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