Since it was released last year, Shifting Gears: Recalibrating Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support has been an important, hands-on resource for hundreds of school and district leaders working on school climate, culture and discipline matters. Now Shifting Gears has received a positive review from the highly regarded Teachers College Record:

Shifting Gears is a text that will be read and used. This is not a book that will be examined once and sit on a shelf. Instead, it is a toolkit, a potentially indispensable compendium of practical resources for those school personnel who are interested in transforming their disciplinary approach from one that is punitive and exclusionary to one that is restorative, accountable, equitable, and fair. This notion sounds nice and seems like a good idea. Shifting Gears will help you make it happen.”  

Reviewer Timothy Servoss PhD is an Associate Professor at Canisius College, where his research focuses on the prevalence, predictors, and effectiveness of school security technology and personnel, discipline disparities, and the association of school security with disparities in suspensions and arrests.

Teachers College Record, published December 21, 2016

So, what do you think?

I invite those of you who are using Shifting Gears to share your experience with the book. How are you using it in your school discipline efforts? Are there particular sections or tools in the book that you find most useful? Do you have a photo of your team using the book that you would be willing to share with the Engaging Schools community? Please write me so we can share your story on our blog.


Denise Wolk

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