Embedding Social and Emotional Learning in High School Classrooms

The white paper, funded by the NoVo Foundation, presents our framework for using students’ mindsets as an entry point for teaching four broad student skill sets – self-awareness, self-management, social efficacy, and academic efficacy – in ways that are developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, and academically relevant to high school students. It includes a wide set of competencies we call Learning and Life Competencies that flow from these skill sets. Each Learning and Life Competency (e.g., cooperation, participation, organizing to learn and study) includes explicit desired target behaviors and understandings that can be modeled, taught, practiced, and assessed in any classroom.

Click here to download Embedding Social and Emotional Learning in High School Classrooms.

So what does embedding Learning and Life Competencies (LLC’s) into classroom practices really look like? The white paper includes a “snapshot” of LLC’s integrated into a high school classroom. We have adapted the snapshot to meet the additional needs of teachers navigating remote learning.

Click here to download our Virtual Learning Lesson Snapshot.

To learn more about our Engaged Classrooms services which align directly with the framework we’ve set forth in the paper, please click here. To contact us, please email us at info@engagingschools.org.

The timing couldn’t be better for a thought-provoking white paper that spells out what should be the foundation for implementing SEL in high schools, and offers a framework for reaching all students, every day, all the time. Embedding Social and Emotional Learning in High School Classrooms provides valuable insights into how to do SEL in high schools, and makes a crucial contribution to advancing the field.
– Jennifer Buffett, Co-President, NoVo Foundation