We are Engaging Schools—but what’s an engaging school? In our vision of an engaging school, staff members and everyone in the school community hold a collective belief that all students have wonder, are curious and interested, and have the capacity to become deeply engaged learners.

In engaging schools, teaching and learning improve. Teachers use a wide array of strategies and instructional practices to engage all of their students. Learning involves students emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally, and integrates academic, social, and emotional development. Engaging schools personalize learning and provide students with the supports they need to be successful.

Engaging schools build community. They emphasize the fundamental importance of positive relationships, foster collaboration among and between students and staff members, and provide opportunities for students to contribute.
Students at engaging schools become more self-directed and responsible. They learn skills and habits of learning to take steps to manage and support their learning and the learning of others.

That’s the vision. Now read our stories of how engaging schools work in the real world. See our case studies of William J. Dean Technical High School, High Point Academy, and Bronx Design and Construction Academy to learn more about the result of our work with schools committed to harnessing the power of engagement to create better results for their students.

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